• Head games
    A brain dump about my weird head.
  • Books read – March ’24
    Stuff I read last month.
  • Something about memory
    Sapphire, take back time!
  • I’ll tell you the ultimate secret of magic.
    Any cunt could do it.
  • Vanity of vanities – all is vanity!
    The header image is a narcissus flower. Geddit? Ha! I crack myself up.
  • Stargate Atlantis: Fatherland
    A text sample from a tie-in book that was approved but never written.
  • I think I’m in a co-dependent relationship with books
    When I was young, I probably read between 3 and 5 books a week. I was voracious. My tastes were catholic but I followed my father’s lead an awful lot, and many of the books I read were by authors he had enjoyed in his younger days. He pressed on me The White South by… Read more: I think I’m in a co-dependent relationship with books
  • Sniper Elite: Water Line
    About a decade ago I was approached by Rebellion, for whom I had recently written the School’s Out Trilogy, and asked if I wanted to write for their next Playstation game, Sniper Elite: V2. It turned out to be one of the most enjoyable creative experiences I’ve ever had, and when they asked me to… Read more: Sniper Elite: Water Line
  • The Deadly Affair (1967)
    John Le Carré’s first novel, Call For The Dead, is a hybrid thing – a spy novel masquerading as a murder mystery, or perhaps a murder mystery masquerading as a spy novel. It feels appropriate that its genre is as slippery as a spy’s legend, but however you choose to classify it, it’s a thumping… Read more: The Deadly Affair (1967)
  • The Looking Glass War (1970)
    John Le Carré’s fourth novel, The Looking Glass War, was a satirical rejoinder to all those who had, he felt, got the wrong end of the stick in respect of The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. Feeling that they had missed the point that the spy game was a futile, squalid, hopeless affair,… Read more: The Looking Glass War (1970)
  • A Life in Doctor Who magazines
    It’s mid-afternoon on Saturday 13 October 1979. I’m seven years old and I’m in the living room of my grandparent’s house at 85 Kenilworth Road, Aston, Birmingham. Out the window I can hear the crowds at the Aston Villa ground roaring in appreciation of another goal. When I hear the unmistakeable final roar that signifies… Read more: A Life in Doctor Who magazines
  • Doctor Who and The Massacre (of St Bartholomew(‘s Eve))
    Occasionally I lose my tiny mind and I pick a lost Doctor Who story, grab up everything about it that I can and devote a week to deep diving into it. This week it was the third season historical The Massacre, produced under the aegis of script editor Donald Tosh (who Loose Cannon interviewed about the… Read more: Doctor Who and The Massacre (of St Bartholomew(‘s Eve))
  • The DCMS rebrand (and me)
    Yesterday the Department for Culture, Media and Sport renamed itself the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. I ran digital comms for the DCMS for about a year 2009/10 (honest, I did), a period which covered the last six months of the Labour government and the first six months of the coalition. During the… Read more: The DCMS rebrand (and me)
  • Return to the Afterblight
    My first trilogy of novels, collected in School’s Out Forever, were set within the shared world of Abaddon’s Afterblight Chronicles. They’re pretty good, and you should totally pick up a copy (hint! hint!) Ahem, anyway… this August a new Afterblight omnibus is released containing three novellas: Fall Out by Simon Guerrier, which is a sequel to my… Read more: Return to the Afterblight
  • A load of old cobblers
    Twenty five years ago I visited a town in Poland called Starachowice. Since WW2 it had been a town that produced trucks – Star Trucks – and almost nothing else. When I visited, in the early 90s, the factory had closed and unemployment was through the roof. The town felt lost, abandoned, the populace shocked… Read more: A load of old cobblers
  • Timebomb – Second Lives
    It began when three people from three different moments in history discovered that they could travel through time when they clasped hands. But the mysteries surrounding them have only deepened.
  • TimeBomb Cover! TimeBomb Blurb! TimeBomb Date!
    TimeBomb publishes 9 October 2014. Pre-order – paperback | ebook New York City, 2141: Yojana Patel throws herself off a skyscraper, but never hits the ground. Cornwall, 1640: gentle young Dora Predennick, newly come to Sweetclover Hall to work, discovers a badly-burnt woman at the bottom of a flight of stairs. When she reaches out to comfort… Read more: TimeBomb Cover! TimeBomb Blurb! TimeBomb Date!
  • The big NEW DEAL blog
    So the secret’s finally out. If you’ve been following me on Twitter or Facebook you’ll know I recently finished and delivered a book. You’ll possibly have realised it’s a time-travel story, and if you’ve really been paying attention you’ll have guessed it’s called Timebomb. It’s the first of a three-book deal I signed with Hodder… Read more: The big NEW DEAL blog
  • Coming soon…
    So the first draft of the next book is done! It currently clocks in at 91,437 words, which makes it longer than any of my Afterblight books. But as it goes through my editing process, then my agent’s, then my editor’s, that number will change many times. It’s been the most difficult book that I’ve… Read more: Coming soon…
  • Readers, Authors, Fans
    Two great blogs about the relationship between author and reader floated across my screen today: The first by the always brilliant John Scalzi – How to Be a Good Fan The second by Brenna Clarke Gray over at BookRiot – Readers Don’t Owe Authors Sh*t For my part I’ve not been doing this long enough,… Read more: Readers, Authors, Fans
  • The Paps, in their own words
    Picture the scene… I’m standing in Trafalgar Square watching them film the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special. I’m standing behind a barrier watching Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman filming a scene. There are other members of the public here taking pics and a good-natured, smiley guard on the opposite side of the barrier to make… Read more: The Paps, in their own words
  • Rage fatigue and professionalism
    So Margaret Thatcher died. For those who don’t know who she was, she was British Prime Minister during my youth and did a lot of things that were extremely controversial. And that’s all I’m saying about it. Why? Two reasons. First, I work for the Government in my 9-5 job at the moment, so I’m… Read more: Rage fatigue and professionalism
  • Iain Banks and deferred pleasures
    The first Iain Banks book I read was The Wasp Factory. I knew I was going to enjoy it, so I put it aside as a reward for finishing my finals at University. It sat on my shelf, a deferred pleasure. I remember the circumstances of reading it vividly – I had been to our… Read more: Iain Banks and deferred pleasures
  • From the archives: Robert Palmer
    In December 2002 I was working for the BBC’s Top of The Pops website. Mostly I wrote silly pieces of content, like Top 5 Most Depressing Depeche Mode Lyrics, or the three news stories that the site used to publish every day. But then I was asked if I’d like to do some interviews, and I… Read more: From the archives: Robert Palmer
  • Make / Let
    I’m beginning to see a theme emerging in the various discussions taking place about the future – specifically, the changing nature of the interaction between individuals and organisations, be they commercial or social. Two TED talks I have watched in the last week both articulate the same thought, and bring the theme into sharp relief.… Read more: Make / Let
  • Scott in Tellyland
    In January 2013, to mark the launch of School’s Out Forever, Simone Thorogood interviewed me for Loaded’s late night book show – my first TV appearance (as an adult).
  • Toodle-pip 2012! Brace yourself, 2013!
    So 2012 was a hell of a year for me, personally. I started the year two stone overweight, in financial freefall and actually pretty much depressed. I had no writing gigs lined up, was struggling to find any joy in my day job and generally felt like things were Not Going My Way. But did… Read more: Toodle-pip 2012! Brace yourself, 2013!
  • UNIT: The Coup
    In 2004 I made my acting debut for Big Finish. Well, I say ‘acting’ I was playing a news reader, so it was hardly Hamlet. I remember trying to be very naturalistic and being told by the director to make it a bit more ‘Day Today’, so I made it hammier and that got the thumbs up. I… Read more: UNIT: The Coup
  • My next big thing
    Damn it, that Guerrier chap tagged me in a writers Q&A meme and I’m bound to follow suit or my entrails will be forfeit to Lord Beelzebub and his horde of demonic kittenbats. (Also, it will help prevent me writing a 10,000 word screed on the unbelievable corporate fuckwittery that is the Hellblazer cancellation.) Since Guerrier, and… Read more: My next big thing
  • 2012 – half-time report
    I started this year with a long list of shit I needed to get done, some personal, some professional. The personal stuff has gone damn well, thanks for asking 🙂 On the professional front, I needed to get my hand back in to writing after a year off. I picked four projects and worked through… Read more: 2012 – half-time report
  • Leave it Scott, just leave it!
    Online conversation I nearly had today but didn’t quite, because, well, life’s too short. In fact, I spent years having variations of this conversation on Compuserve, Usenet, eGroups, Yahoogroups, Listserves et al. I achieved nothing, but somehow I’m still occasionally amazed by people who are still randomly either rude or stupid. Or both. I try… Read more: Leave it Scott, just leave it!
  • Doctor Who: The Anchorite’s Echo
    In 2005 I was lucky enough to contribute a Doctor Who short story to a Christmas-themed anthology from Big Finish –  Short Trips: A History of Christmas , which was edited by Simon Guerrier.  It’s long out of print, and I certainly can’t charge for it, but I don’t think there’s any rule against me giving it… Read more: Doctor Who: The Anchorite’s Echo
  • 1990 – Season One
    Some years ago, browsing through a second hand bookshop, I stumbled across a TV tie-in book for a show called 1990. I was instantly intrigued. A BBC drama starring Edward Woodward as Jim Kyle, heroic leader of a resistance movement in totalitarian Britain? How is it that I had never heard of this show? And how… Read more: 1990 – Season One
  • Independent online marketing & ‘Underwater Sunshine’
    A few years ago, Counting Crows kind of stunned everyone by walking away from Geffen and announcing they were an independent band. Whether this was prompted by a perceived underperformance of the superb ‘Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings’ or a wider dissatisfaction with the music business is unclear. But band leader Adam Duritz’s impassioned talk… Read more: Independent online marketing & ‘Underwater Sunshine’
  • Announcing ‘Target: Hitler!’
    Last summer I was lucky enough to do some writing for the forthcoming computer game Sniper Elite V2. Basically this meant doing some plotting, developing the narrative and scripting a bunch of cut-scenes and voiceovers. It was loads of fun and has now led to this press release, hot and shiny from the, um, press… Read more: Announcing ‘Target: Hitler!’
  • From the archives: Counting Crows
    Here’s a piece I’ve dredged up from the archives – early 2004, to be precise. At the time I was working for the BBC’s Top of the Pops website, which occasionally involved interviewing guests who had come to the studio to play on that week’s show. The highlight was when I got to have a… Read more: From the archives: Counting Crows
  • Calling All ’Scapers!
    Back in the dim and distant I wrote a book all about a TV show called Farscape – Uncharted Territory. That book covered the first three seasons of the show and was commissioned by Virgin Books just as the SciFi Channel in America announced they’d be making seasons 4 and 5, so I was confident… Read more: Calling All ’Scapers!
  • Scott’s 2012 state of the union
    So, 2012, we meet at last! Let’s recap… I started 2010 by finishing off my Highlander scripts, then spent four months writing Childrens’ Crusade. In the second half of 2010 I spent four months working VERY hard on a screenplay which I entered in the Red Planet Prize – when it didn’t even make it… Read more: Scott’s 2012 state of the union
  • Death & Fear & Horror, oh my!
    Back in the dim and distant I used to write copy for the Top of the Pops website. Yesterday I was asked to provide samples of my online writing, so I dug out this little beauty from 8 years back to demonstrate how I can tailor my writing to an established house style; in TOTP’s… Read more: Death & Fear & Horror, oh my!
  • Digital Communications: What is your homepage for?
    In my day job I manage social media accounts and homepages for large organisations. I tend not to blog about that much, but I’ve recently been trying to quantify my approach, to nail down exactly what it is I bring to an organisation. What follows over the next few blogs is, in effect, my personal statement of… Read more: Digital Communications: What is your homepage for?
  • Pandemonium
    Those lovely people at Pornokitsch, Anne and Jared – I call them The Pornos; they don’t laugh – have set up an imprint called Pandemonium Fiction to publish short story collections. The first, Stories of the Apocalypse,  contains original tales  inspired by the art of John Martin, and the book will be released in October 2011 to… Read more: Pandemonium
  • A Scott by any other name
    I was christened Scott Keegan Andrews. My middle name was chosen with care. It means ‘son of the little poet’ apparently, and since my dad’s a songwriter he deemed it appropriate. I think it’s kind of neat. However, the Keegan was a bone of some contention at school, as everyone who discovered it henceforth called… Read more: A Scott by any other name
  • Matt Helm: tied hand and foot
    I picked this book up at the railway station lending library this morning and it fell open at the following, deathless excerpt. “Don’t rush me, darling,” she said. “You’re a dreadful cold-blooded, ruthless person, but I had to find you tonight. Do you understand? You’re the only person I’d care to be with tonight, whatever… Read more: Matt Helm: tied hand and foot
  • State of play – 16 August 2011
    New and imminent Bad Haven talk to me about stuff, including my involvement with the film of School’s Out. Mass Movement Magazine review Highlander: The Four Horsemen “Moran and Andrews have taken show favourites and crafted incredible tales that carry the legacy of the show to new realms.” I have a long memoir in the second issue… Read more: State of play – 16 August 2011
  • For Smurf’s sake, don’t rock the boat!
    There are certain tropes that those of us of a certain age (cough…40ish…cough) were conditioned to expect in comedies and children’s films. The evil boss who gets their comeuppance at the end of the film, when the downbeaten hero realises they don’t have to put up with it and can Follow Their Dream instead, is… Read more: For Smurf’s sake, don’t rock the boat!
  • The sentimental geek strikes back
    Be-caped and beguiling, Ryan Adams stages a triumphant solo return at the Barbican. Being a Ryan Adams fan can be a bit of a rollercoaster. There’s his habit of releasing everything he records, often for free, simply because he feels like it. For the record, I love it, but it drives some people nuts, and… Read more: The sentimental geek strikes back
  • School’s Out film news
    The news story below appeared in Screen International yesterday, so I can  talk about it now. In brief: the film has got development funding, I’m on board as script consultant, and Oliver Milburn is writing and directing. I met with Oliver and Emma, the producer, a few weeks back. We got on famously and they have a… Read more: School’s Out film news
  • Outpost Skaro cover Highlander
    I’m all over Outpost Skaro like some kind of Time-Rash: Outpost Skaro review Highlander: The Four Horsemen “The writers also do an excellent job… I really enjoyed this… 8/10” Outpost Skaro subject me to… no, not the Mind Probe! “The element of surprise is vital. These are characters about whom the audience think they know everything… Read more: Outpost Skaro cover Highlander
  • Of Agents and Angles
    I’ve never had a literary agent representing me. All the writing gigs I’ve landed – novels, plays, articles etc – I’ve secured off my own bat. But I’ve always worked on the assumption that at some point I’d need an agent, a savvy ally who could help me punch up a level in my career… Read more: Of Agents and Angles
  • An interesting day
    Well, it’s been an interesting day, and it certainly got this new site off to a flying start. I was first told that School’s Out was about to be optioned over two years ago. Needless to say I was pretty excited. Quick as a flash, nothing at all happened. The recession hit, companies retrenched, silence… Read more: An interesting day
  • School’s Out – Optioned!
    Abaddon’s ‘Attack the Block meets Lord of the Flies’ novel optioned by Multistory Films Abaddon Books is proud to announce that  it has struck a deal with Multistory Films to bring School’s Out by Scott Andrews to the big screen. Attack the Block meets Lord of the Flies in a post-apocalyptic landscape where pupils at a public… Read more: School’s Out – Optioned!
  • Scorched earth & window dressing
    Hello and welcome to www.scottkandrews.com. It’s a bit spartan at the moment, but the content is in, I just need to dress up the window a bit. All the info about my books and plays, and a few key old blog posts, are in. More will follow. You can subscribe using feedburner for RSS or email.… Read more: Scorched earth & window dressing
  • School’s Out – unpublished prologue
    The blog Daily Writing Tips recently published Three reasons to ditch your novel’s prologue. It contains much wisdom. The following extract was part of the pitch that got School’s Out commissioned, and it stayed in the book ‘til very late in the day, but I eventually decided to cut it. My editor was a bit wary… Read more: School’s Out – unpublished prologue
  • Stargate Atlantis: Impressions – script extract
    This is the pre-titles sequence from my Stargate Atlantis audio play, Impressions, published here by kind permission of Big Finish Productions. More information about Stargate Atlantis: Impressions Order CD or download Stargate Atlantis: Impressions trailer by scottkandrews ACT 1 SCENE 1 Neutral, narrating space. LORNE: Light and shade. The dappled green of forest leaves. The splashes of white… Read more: Stargate Atlantis: Impressions – script extract
  • Interview with Mass Movement Magazine
    The following interview was printed in Mass Movement Magazine. It was conducted by Jim Dodge Jr and is reproduced here by kind permission of the editor. Where did you first come up with the idea for School’s Out? I know your bio says that your time spent in boy’s schools only minimally affected the story but I’m… Read more: Interview with Mass Movement Magazine
  • A cautionary tale for writers
    or ‘Why I spent ten years being pointlessly annoyed at Neil Gaiman when I should have been doing something useful instead’ Way back when, I was an aspiring comic book writer living in Toronto. I used to hang out with talented and successful people like Salgood Sam and Ty Templeton, and I spent my every spare minute… Read more: A cautionary tale for writers
  • Farscape: What TV Was Invented For
    Written halfway through Season Three, this article was a Starburst cover feature, designed to alert people that Farscape was well worth tuning in for. I later wrote a whole book on Farscape. In an age when each autumn bombards us with new Sci-Fi shows clamouring for our attention it’s hard to know which ones are worth… Read more: Farscape: What TV Was Invented For