
Head games
A brain dump about my weird head.
Writer of books and plays. Also: geek, chap, dad, absurdist.
A brain dump about my weird head.
Stuff I read last month.
Sapphire, take back time!
Any cunt could do it.
The header image is a narcissus flower. Geddit? Ha! I crack myself up.
A text sample from a tie-in book that was approved but never written.
When I was young, I probably read between 3 and 5 books a week. I was voracious. My tastes were catholic but I followed my father’s lead an awful lot, and many of the books I read were by authors he had enjoyed in his younger days. He pressed on me The White South by […]
About a decade ago I was approached by Rebellion, for whom I had recently written the School’s Out Trilogy, and asked if I wanted to write for their next Playstation game, Sniper Elite: V2. It turned out to be one of the most enjoyable creative experiences I’ve ever had, and when they asked me to […]
John Le Carré’s first novel, Call For The Dead, is a hybrid thing – a spy novel masquerading as a murder mystery, or perhaps a murder mystery masquerading as a spy novel. It feels appropriate that its genre is as slippery as a spy’s legend, but however you choose to classify it, it’s a thumping […]
John Le Carré’s fourth novel, The Looking Glass War, was a satirical rejoinder to all those who had, he felt, got the wrong end of the stick in respect of The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. Feeling that they had missed the point that the spy game was a futile, squalid, hopeless affair, […]